How to Enable Seo Settings On Blog
Asalamualaikum all this time I will provide information on how to enable seo settings on our blog here many still do not know how to set our blog to be appropriate SEO standards. Okay then I will explain first how important the settings on this blog things that will diotak esp at our blog like description, robot txt, and so we will discuss later this setting can make your blog become easy and quickly indexed by search engine by because setting this seo blog is very useful and very important to speed up the process terindexnya our blog by search engine.banyak the players bloggers who miss this either because they do not know or if they are deliberately leave this trick they are clear the players bloggers who do not know always skip this one trick as well as I was also never used this one way but now I have tried it and also want to invite friends to try it also through my posting ini.cara i get from learning video diyoutube blogger which is certainly not the origin - because this way is done by a master SE O then from that friends who want to try this way please follow the guide here for free kok for more details I will explain it with very detail about caramengatur blog seo
For how to set the description of this blog friends login to their blog then click settings-preferences in the description section click edit and activate then please fill in a description of your blog eg your blog about food then the description such as "blogs that contain about food and how make it and so on ". after the description is filled please click save.
Someone still do not know the meaning of this section? On how to set errors and redirects on this blog means that when the visitor searches for articles in the search field diblog us but the article he was looking for is not in our blog then automatically a special message will appear if a special message is set if not then not aka tone. such as if the visitor looking for nokia handphone on our blog when our blog theme about automotive then a special message will appear the article you are looking for does not exist.
for how to set it is as follows:
please you click on the error and the transfer directly under the description then if it is clicked will appear column and fill the column with this coding
For how to set the description of this blog friends login to their blog then click settings-preferences in the description section click edit and activate then please fill in a description of your blog eg your blog about food then the description such as "blogs that contain about food and how make it and so on ". after the description is filled please click save.
Someone still do not know the meaning of this section? On how to set errors and redirects on this blog means that when the visitor searches for articles in the search field diblog us but the article he was looking for is not in our blog then automatically a special message will appear if a special message is set if not then not aka tone. such as if the visitor looking for nokia handphone on our blog when our blog theme about automotive then a special message will appear the article you are looking for does not exist.
for how to set it is as follows:
please you click on the error and the transfer directly under the description then if it is clicked will appear column and fill the column with this coding
<style type="text/css"> #slider-wrapper,#sidebar-wrapper,#sidebar-wrapper2,#carousel,#slid1,#pbt-slider { display:none; } #main-wrapper { overflow:hidden; width:100%; margin-left:0; float:none; margin-right:0; } #error-404 { margin:50px 20px 40px 320px; autotext-align:center; transition:all .8s ease 0; width:380px; font-family:oswald, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; } #error-404 span { color:#FF1E00; font-size:160px; font-weight:bold; } .large-heading { font-size:60px; line-height:1.2em; } .light-heading { font-weight:400; } .status-msg-bg { background-color:transparent; } #outer-wrapper { min-height:0; } .status-msg-border { border:0 none; background-image:none; height:100%; } #sidebar-wrapper,#sidebar-wrapper2 { width:100%; float:none; margin-left:0; } .status-msg-wrap,.status-msg-body { height:100%; } </style> <div id="error-404"><span>404</span> </div><h1 class="large-heading" style="text-align: center;">Page Not Found. :/</h1><h2 class="light-heading" style="text-align: center;">’’Maaf’’, Artikel yang Anda cari tidak ada, Silahkan baca Artikel lainnya..</h2> |
Dan pastekan coding tersebut kekolom kesalahan dan pengalihan lalu klik simpan perubahan.
Untuk cara mengatur robot .txt khusus inipun hampir sama dengan pengaturan yang berada pada nomor dua yaitu dengan menggunakan coding khusus.untuk codingnya silahkan copy dan pastekan dikolom yang tersedia
User-agent: Mediapartners-Google Disallow: User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: /search Disallow: /?m=1 Disallow: /?m=0 Disallow: /*?m=1 Disallow: /*?m=0 User-agent: * Disallow: /search Sitemap: |

This fourth talk is how to set the tags of this special robot header many who do not know which one should we check for more details I will give the way in detail so that friends know and understand in this one way settings like this.
Please check the column I mentioned all, noodp, noindex, noodp, all, noodp and save.
After you set your blog with these seo settings then when you will write the right article like the label will have additional robot tags and so forth and you will feel the difference blogs that have been set up with blogs that have not been set aka tone many options to speed up the process terindexnya blog article on our blog that has passed the settings of this seo blog for selenihnya thank you for visiting and hopefully useful.
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