Saturday, October 31, 2015

The easiest and most recent way to register google adsense via youtube

The easiest and most recent way to register google adsense via youtube

Many are wondering about how to register google adsense from youtube? Apart from blogger or blogspot register google adsense also we can do through youtube account even register more easily and do not have the requirements of different ribet with register via blogger or blogspot.diantara requirements that must be met is we just have a video duration of at least five minutes or more good if the video duration is longer.
For new friends who want to start how to get money from youtube please friends can just follow the tutorial that I will give I will explain the tutorial with as much detail and as clear as possible so that all friends who are still new to start how to get money from youtube become faster can and faham.supaya friends all the more intention and willing to learn youtube I will tell people who have had tens of millions of income every month from youtube payments via google adsense taken diwestern union so take it not have to use account but we just come to the western union with the paper taking it.
One of the people who have been successful in playing youtube is bayu skak, this guy has managed to scoop tens of millions of dollars from bisinisnya play youtube how not every week he always upload thousands of videos in one week if friends want to see bayu skak video please you search own diyoutube there will be very many video belonging to bayu skak ppc google adsense does offer payment with very high price and tantalizing for the publisher because ppc google adsense in my opinion is one of the best ppc of all time most people who become rich via internet income from google adsense one of them is bayu skak that I have mentioned earlier, well do not have to linger anymore immediately we just learn the tutorial how to create a youtube account and register it to google adsense.

  • the first step my friends must have a google account or called gmail if friends have not got please make first here I assume friends already have it.
  • if friends already have a gmail account the next step is to enter keyoutube and click on sign in or sign in at the top right corner
  • after the login window please fill in the email and password of your google account if you have entered the next step is to click upload on the top right corner.
  • as I have explained above if friends want to get money from youtube friends friends must already have a video duration of at least 5 minutes if friends have made or have the video please upload and wait until the process is completed please wait while the upload process is finished friends can fill the title of the video description and tag
  • after the upload process is complete the next step is click publish then finished you upload the video and create youtubenya account.
after youtube account has been made and already have a video in accordance with the requirements of the next step is to register to google adsense so that our account can directly start earning money for how to register google adsense via youtube please just follow the tutorial below.
  • enter the channel if you are still confused how to enter the channel please you click the channel on the top left and select the channel and on the right please select the monetization settings as in the following picture

cara monetisasi video youtube
  • after doing the way on the number one then my friends will automatically skill guide and information please select how I will be paid clicked and the next step after clicking the choice how I will be paid then click link hook adsense account then wait and click next
cara monetisasi video
  • in this step please select my friends just go to google account and please login with the same gmail account as you previously made diakun youtube or different also guns nothing but to simplify equate and after enter you will move move next step continue.
  • and please fill the form with the truth because this is for making money cultivated your age is at least 18 years if not then you can not register google adsense please fill the account type select individual and email prefence select only the first after all already filled click continue then you have finished registering your account google adsense but you do not know whether received or not usually the review period of the three days or even can be faster than that after three days please check it emailed you how to check into kegmail and login if there is an inbox from google adsense that congratulated your account has been accepted then you can already get money from youtube you.
  • after your youtube account is disapprove by google adsense the next step is to monetize the video with google ads
how to monetize our youtube video ?. after you have finished doing the tutorial steps above the last step you have to do is to monetize your video so that the video has been uploaded by friends can show ads when viewed by the visitor and can make money.for more details please follow the tutorial how to monetize youtube video:
  • please you enter again the channel to do verivikasi and click verivikasi after that please fill your phone number and after entering your mobile phone number to simplify select just send sms contains verivikasi message after all filled click send and you will receive six digits code via sms you after you receive it please fill in the account verification verification step to the second with the 6 digit number is then completed deh step congratulations your account has been verified
  • after the first step above the verification step is completed next you will automatically return to the channel panel and in the monetization section just click activate then you will see the new look and just click activate me me and appear again new view window please you check all agreement agreement of monetization then click I agree after that window appears monetisasi my video section you should only tick the two only in the first and second bottom or the third do not tick and leave it if already click monetization and now you can monetize your video.
  • then automatically you will be brought keperelola video or video manager and you will see the dollar sign your video turns to green if it is green means congratulations your video has been successfully monetized and can bisamenghasilkan money ,, but if the dollar sign is still white means your video not monetized to green it please you click the dolarnya sign and monetization then dollar sign will be green.
after following the tutorial above I think my friends will succeed because I have explained in detail so easily understood by beginners who want to earn money from youtube and to earn more income from youtube you I also have posted on my other articles please read the article itself. indeed if someone who is just learning and just starting to make youtube will have trouble because the new try but after getting used and often then the difficulty will be lost and become easy.


  1. Belum pernah nyoba cara ini, Ane juga bukan anak YT , takut ditolak lagi sama adsense soalnya habis ditolak :3

  2. ternyata sangat mudah ya mendapatkan uang dari internet .... .

  3. Wah Bisa dijadikan alternatif adsense nih

  4. ko ane ga nemu monetisasi nya ya gan? Apa mata ane yg rabun x ya.... video ane baru di lihat ma 1500 org tp lom di aktivin anu nya apa bisa dapet gan?

  5. monetisasinya diaktifin dulu gan caranya ada diatas kok
